Press Play to hear Antonio Rocha speak on accessing the language of the body using storytelling on the Art of Storytelling with Brother Wolf.

Press Play to hear Antonio Rocha speak on accessing the language of the body using storytelling on the Art of Storytelling with Brother Wolf.

Antonio Rocha

Antonio Writes…
Dear listeners, my journey into storytelling has been a magical one.
First, with my mime training with Tony Montanaro and a bit with Marcel Marceau, taught me a lot about how body language communicates so eloquently. Not by translating a sentence into movement but rather the intention and essence of a narrative. Less is more. Then, I got a BA in theatre arts from The University of Southern Maine, there I learned some more about theatre . So, I started to tell orally but never forgetting the physical eloquence learned from mime. That mixed with my own creativity assured a very particular language. Such approach has given me the opportunity not only to go to the far corners of the world but to far corners of my own soul. The storytelling community is a Read the rest of this entry »

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