Posts Tagged Podcast Revolution

Podcasting is the future of storytelling…

Storyteller Eric James Wolf talks about Podcasting and the Storytelling movement.

Very few storytellers make it easy for potential clients to listen to their material online. Many storytellers choose to hide the treasure of their professional work behind a wall of profit and self-interest. Unluckily for them profit and self-interest can be better served by bringing down the wall. How do you expect potential clients to be sold on your ability as a storyteller if they have never heard you tell a story? How many potential presenters or school administrators are not hiring storytellers just because they had one bad experience and need more evidence to overcome their prejudice? How do you expect people to buy your online CD’s without being able to test the waters?

As a movement we are offering what the world wants to hear. Currently America is filled with cynical, disconnected and apathetic people who are dying for authentic relationships. What is good storytelling? – authentic, real and Read the rest of this entry »


Syd Lieberman – Telling your Family’s Stories

Syd Lieberman - an amazing storyteller

Purchase a HQ Mp3 File of
Interview #045
Syd Lieberman

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Telling your Family’s Stories.

Bio From Syd’s Website
Syd Lieberman is an internationally acclaimed storyteller, an award-winning teacher, and an author. He has appeared at major storytelling festivals across the Read the rest of this entry »

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Exploring the Podcasting Revolution.

Interview #044
Baba the storyteller in LA
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Sharing the podcast revolution.

Baba and I speak about the podcasting revolution. Comments or feed back welcome here on the blog post. Do you think I should have Baba back? Is podcasting to narrow a subject? Are we off topic fro the Art of Storytelling with Brother Wolf? Will we ever stop talking off topic of podcasting during this episode? All this and so much more on two tellers talking – the podcasting special. Read the rest of this entry »

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