Welcome to the Android Revolutionaries…

Hi – Welcome to the Art of Storytelling Show Website.

In the last few weeks for reasons unknown the smart phone users have begun to listen to the show in large numbers – if this is you please let us know how you found us on your smart phone or mobile device. Over a 80,000 downloads in the last thirty days alone. Compare that to last year with a total of 26,000 downloads and you see why we are a little excited to see what is happening here.

We have a lot of content on the site so feel free to look through our show archive to listen to past shows or you can see posts organized by topics.

If you are an smart phone user and you have found this website
– thanks for stopping in and joining us As you can tell the show is on hiatus for the next little while. If you want to help support the show be sure to join our email alert list in case we get active again or have special events.

All the Best

Brother Wolf

Kentucky Folktales Given New Life

Mary Hamiliton Kentucky Folktales
By Mary Hamilton
Email: mary@maryhamilton.info
You can buy the book directly form Mary
Published by University Press of Kentucky
Also available on Amazon.

Book Review By Linda Goodman

Reading Mary Hamilton’s new book, Kentucky Folktales, is like taking a storytelling master class that leaves you with its full text instead of sketchy notes and skimpy handouts. Through the use of scary tales, tall tales, folktales, and family tales Hamilton sheds light on such issues as fear, parental neglect and abuse, healthcare, hunting, war, kingly challenges, smart women, and raising babies.

Each tale is followed by a commentary that relates Hamilton’s sources for her tales and notes on how she adapted them for her own storytelling performances. Most of the stories are also followed by the script of one of the original tales, making comparisons and detail mentioned in the commentary easy to follow. Read the rest of this entry »

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Updates on the Show

storycast144 Would you like to be a part of a storytelling conference call that supports you in your use of storytelling? If so, then enter your name and email address and you will receive personal invitations to participate in The Art of Storytelling with Brother Wolf Conference call – when the next call happens. Also – if an interview is posted I will send you an update.

Share your thoughts on the call, connect with old time storytellers and ask questions to experts in the field.

I will not share or give away your email address.

And don’t forget to subscribe by iTunes, on your Android, PURCHASE the Art of Storytelling APP or your browser to The Art of Storytelling with Brother Wolf so you can get monthly inspirations from Bother Wolf direct to your desktop. Read the info on the right to find out how. It’s free and it’s super simple.

Valentines Day Love Stories…

Magnolia_campbellii_flowersEric James Wolf
Recently I asked the storytell listserv a resource provided by the National Storytelling Network a simple question -When I say LOVE – what story, myth, fable or fairy tale first comes to mind?

Below are all the responses that I got to my question…

Beverly Nelson Comer Cinderella was the first story to come to my mind.
Carolyn Stearns Cinderella, I even make conversational references like home before my coach became a pumpkin
Brian Fox Ellis Baucus and Philomen, the Greek myth I most often perform at weddings!
Liz Nichols I’m kind of an anti-sentimentalist, so I like the myth of Artemis and Orion – it doesn’t have a happy ending – especially because Orion is clearly visible in the sky in February.
Carol Connolly The Blue Rose
. Read the rest of this entry »

Yankee Ingenuity

Radner-YankeeIngenuity-cover small Yankee Ingenuity
Written and performed by Jo Radner; $15, including shipping and handling.
To order, email jradner@american.edu.
Also available on CD Baby.

Reviewed By Linda Goodman

I became a fan of Jo Radner at the New England Modern Storytelling Festival in Windsor, Maine in 1997, when I heard her tell a story about outhouses. On that cold (thirty degrees), rainy September Saturday, I also fell in love with the people of Maine. There they stood, bare-footed and wearing shorts, listening in rapt attention to the stories being told. I was reminded of my own Appalachian kinfolk. No amount of Read the rest of this entry »

Not Your Average Newsletter

Doug Elliot Storyteller

Hi All

I just opened my email inbox and once again found on e of those infrequent treastes of the natural world from Doug Elliot. Now I know that if you are like me – you have subscribed to a lot of storytellers email lists. I get emails newsletters about traveling, performing, book writing, and of course, telling stories. Doug is an artist who I have continuously looked forward to reading his newsletters since I first started getting them. I wanted to recommended his writings to you as I know he has yet to let me down.

Doug Elliot’s writing always fills me with the deepest respect for the natural world and how I can interact with it. To be fair – he dosen’t send his newsletter out too often. When he does they are always interesting and entirely unique with in the storytelling community. Doug is the real deal. His storytelling is an outgrowth of his love of the natural world. I hope that he will continue to send me newsletters for years to come.

You can read his latest literary work on his blog – and you can subscribe to his newsletters on the right hand side of the page lower down. Why so hard to find Doug? Also you can read – watch videos or just check him out on his website http://www.dougelliott.com

All the Best

Eric Wolf

Storytelling: The Oldest Art

Chris Reidel Storyteller Cover of CD Storytelling: The Oldest Art
Tales from around the world told by Cris Riedel
Website: http://www.storiesconnect.com
$15.00 includes shipping & handling. To order email: cris@storiesconnect.com

Reviewed By Linda Goodman

This delightful CD, recorded live at Debbie’s Café in Wayland, New York, features familiar multi-cultural tales given new life by the strong voice and enthusiastic telling of an intuitive teller who grabs the essence of each tale and makes it sing. Cris Riedel clearly treasures these stories. From England’s Lazy Jack, the folktale predecessor of Forrest Gump, to Europe’s Clever Manka, who outsmarts the men in her life at every turn, the listener in engaged and eagerly anticipates the next chapter. Read the rest of this entry »
